Tips from Paul: #8 Saving Energy in the Kitchen!

Be sure to clean the backs and bases of refrigerators and freezers from time to time. It will help the efficiency of the cooling units.

Brush and vacuum the coils at the bottom or the back of the unit (you can get a special coil cleaning brush that is bendable to fit in tight areas).

Your refrigerator uses more electricity than all your other kitchen appliances combined. To keep its energy costs down, clean the coils twice a year, which improves efficiency by 30 to 50 percent.

Also, your fridge and freezer run more efficiently when they’re full. If your shelves are looking empty...add pitches of water in the fridge, or bags of ice in the freezer to fill up those spaces! It is best to keep your refrigerator setting between 35 and 38 degrees and freezer between 0 and 5 degrees F.