The Power of Collaboration | Moceri Construction

On Thursday, November 07, 2013 Paul, Tony, and Dominic Moceri attended the Sustainable Design Conference. This was an opportunity to connect with businesses, peers, and stakeholders in the Bellingham community. The idea that we must work together to be "radical, strategic, and collaborative"  was a strong theme throughout the conference.
Round table discussions included-
  • Power of Collaboration
  • Adaptive Reuse
  • Making Green Affordable
  • Green Certifications
At Moceri Construction, Inc. we appreciate these opportunities to partner with the community on topics that are important to us. Part of our responsibility is to share what we learned and to make this information accessible to our clients. We encourage our clients to contact our onsite Green building Specialist Dominic Moceri at 360-671-3381.
Also check out the  Sustainable Connections and the Community Energy Challenge blog for the most up to date information at

Events coming up: 
2013 NWAIA Architectural Design Awards on December 12, 2013 7pm
Pre registration by December 9th, 2013   Download Registration Form (PDF)

Green Building Nerds Users Group RSVP to to get your project on the table. Event hosted every third Monday of every month at the Brandywine kitchen.